Croatian Birds Gallery


Below is Croatian Birds Gallery including the photos mostly taken in Croatia (Mediterranean region). The photos have been taken from 2008 to now. To get more data about locations of the photos please visit Birdwatching in Croatia and Photographing birds in Croatia. In addition to mentioned links The List of  Croatian Birds can be helpful to collect more data about birds in Croatia too.


Click on any below photo to increase the size and get more data including name in Croatian language. All below photos are copyrighted.


  1. Prelijepe fotke!

  2. Beautiful photos!! I just moved to Croatia and your site has been so helpful in identifying the bird species here!

  3. Fabulous photos!!!!! Keep up the good work Miroslav!!!!

  4. A great website, being an amateur bird photographer myself I know just how demanding such pics are. Living on Korcula we do not have such impressive variation……….keep up the good work !!

  5. Thankyou for this gallery. It has helped us immensly whenever we are in the garden in croatia. Now if only we could identify those night sounds!

    • Hi Lana,
      to identify birds by sound, check out the app BirdNet. You will be blown by it.

      Also, Miroslav, the photos are amazing. Thanks for your inspired work.

  6. Bravo for this AMAZING galery !!!

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